Jordan Pope - Magic Photographer
Generally for artist spotlights I like to put a little adjective that sums up how their work makes me feel. “Magic” felt like the closest fit that could attempt to describe the emotion filled, colorful & ethereal world that Jordan creates with his photography. Armed with only a T6i & his phone, he is able to transport you into another reality, the reality that is Jordan Pope’s perspective.
What was your first camera and how did it feel to first explore photography?
My first camera was a Canon EOS 1100D, my first time exploring photography just felt like a cool new way of expressing my curiosity of the world with my friends.
How would you define your style and aesthetic?
I would define my style and aesthetic as an form of my emotions and the colors I see the world in through my lens.
How do you convey emotion in your images?
I convey emotions into my images by adding multiple colors to each photo based off how the set makes me feel. I use colors, angles and posing of the models to express the ideas or emotions I can’t put into words.
What excites you most on a shoot day?
What excites me most on a shoot day is when I get the shot I feel is the actual shot I was looking for or when I get an unexpected idea midshoot that comes out better than I expected.
What is your current go to techniques and/or technology?
My current go to is a Canon EOS T6i and as crazy as this may sound I edit on my iPhone and I’ve always only edited on my iPhone, I’ve never edited any of my photos on an actual software or laptop.
What photo of yours makes you smile everytime you see it?
A photo of mine that makes me smile is a from a set called “my pain is my light” because me and a group of friends took a random trip to a mountain in Charlottesville, VA, hiked up it and stayed there all day taking photos and having a cool time and at that time I was in a bad mental space and dealing with a lot of personal battles and photography was the only thing keeping me going since it was an outlet to express my pain and it was just good to be with friends creating dope art and that’s when I realized that my pain is actually my light, which is how the title was created.
“my pain is my light”
How do you balance creative expression and paying the bills?
The way I balance creative expression and paying the bills is by just trying to have my art become another source of income such as prints and consistent bookings.
How do you define success?
I would define success as obtaining a goal that you was trying to achieve. Little or big, life is about perspective and you are successful when you accomplish any goal that you set for yourself.
What is currently inspiring you?
Right now life itself is inspiring me. I’ve been learning to appreciate the present and all of the inspiration that life itself gives me from my past to my future to my random and complex mind, to my experiences. My family, my past pain, my future happiness, Everything around me is art and inspiration in itself.
Follow the artist @joztakethosee
Join the community @waitingontheworld